Optimal Experience: 11.6 KM Run for A Beautiful Saturday Afternoon

One of the best ways to spend one’s free time is to have a good run in a beautiful Saturday afternoon.

In some of my previous posts, I mentioned that it is sometimes more difficult to have some structure during the weekend than it is during the weekdays. Thanks to my work, my weekendays are already structured. However, managing my free time is more a challenge for me.

My day today has been quite productive so far. I am able to manage my precious time quite well.

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A Beautiful Day in October

The weather is unbelievable. We are now on the last week of October and the weather is still so pleasant and a spring afternoon.

It was 17 degree celsius , the sun is shining, the sky is blue and clear but then with the spectacle of autumn colours. The day could have not been more perfect.

It is a beautiful day. Days like this one is rare. I must not waste it.

So after work, I have decided to change in my running outfit and then off I went. One of the many ways to celebrate this gorgeous day is with a run.

There was no specific goals today, except from enjoying a relaxing run. And with that, I am successful.

Nonetheless, I think I did well. I was running slowly but constantly.

My First Marathon Experience: The First of Many to Come

A week has already passed and I do still feel the same elation I felt last week during the marathon event. This year, I was not only a spectator of the event, but a participant, albeit just a quarter of a marathon.

Running 10,55 km within an hour is hardly a remarkable achievement. I did not really transcend my limitations. Nonetheless, I have had this profound sense of fulfilment, because I have managed to break my record.

From time to time, I run 10 km. My average time when running the 10 km is 1 hour and 15 minutes. Managing to complete the 10,55 km within an hour is for me a new record. So in that sense, I was successful.

After all, in undertakings such as this one, your opponent is not the people around you, but yourself. The goal is to beat your own record and be better than yourself yesterday.

It almost impossible to describe how i feel that day. I felt so elated, happy, and calm. My taking part of this event is almost a religious experience. The experience was rather spiritual and I am not exaggerating.

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Holding-on to the worn-out pair of shoes

It might be unstoic of me to hold on this pair of shoes. Like Buddhism, the Philosophy of Stoicism teaches us not to be attached to anything or anybody. Nothing is permanent. All is temporary.

But this worn out pair of shoes has some meaningful significance to me. I bought this shoes in August 2017 when I decided to stop smoking. Until today, I am still an ex-smoker. I am hoping that I stay an ex-smoker.

In my case, starting to run and quitting to smoke is intertwined. I started running when I have decided to quit smoking. Running was a replacement for smoking.

Running has been a tremendous help in my endeavour to change the way I live: from being a smoker into a non-smoker. Quitting that nasty and expensive habit has been very successful because of running.

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Spring, Running, and Stoicism

It is such a wonderful day today. The spring has finally arrived and I love it! So, after a long day of working from home and being nailed down on my desk, I have decided to go out, enjoy this beautiful day and have a run.

It is a common knowledge that running is beneficial not only to our body but also to our mind. It almost sounds trite to say so, but it is just very true.

My evil twin brother named anxiety has got the best of me in the last few weeks. It has been very stressful at work lately and I worry that I am not equal to the task. This is very stressful and really affects my state of mind.

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