How to Build Self Discipline. A Lesson from Marcus Aurelius

Here is a short video I have found on youtube about self discipline from Stoic perspective. What can we learn from Stoic philosophy in general and from Marcus Aurelius in particular about self discipline?

What is self discipline in the first place? Why is it important? and how can we achieve it? These are the fundamental questions that are being addressed in this short and yet powerful video.

Developing self-discipline has always been a constant struggle for me. But exploring and delving into this particular ancient school of thought called Stoicism has helped me instile some discipline in how I live my life.

My favourite line in this short video: ‘if you want to be a writer, then write everyday’.

The Weekend Challenge: How To Manage Your Freetime?

In my previous post, The Daily Stoic: Who Gets the Lion Share?, I have mentioned that managing one’s free time is more challenging that managing the time we spend at work. Work is very important in our lives not only because it pays the bills, but it also give us structure and purpose. And if you are lucky, your work provides you a sense of fulfillment.

In that sense, the time we spend in our daily jobs – that 40 hours a week – has already acquired a sturecute. Hence, managing them is not so much of a challenge.

Managing our free time, however, is a different story. Based on my own personal experience, I have noticed that finding structure is more challenging during the weekends than during the weekdays. Ironically, it is when I am free that I somehow felt that I am imprisoned by not knowing what to do next.

Structuring my free time then has been my goal for quite some time. In this post, I would like to share the ways I have developed to give some order in my free time. The ultimate goal is to find the flow, so that I will not be bored nor feel anxious.

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