Bloganuary 2023: What are the pros and cons of procrastination?

Here is an insightful take on procrastination. I am a good procrastinator myself and Tim Urban’s views resonate with my own relationship with procrastination.

To be honest, I could not think of any pros of procrastination. I could only think of the cons. Procrastination, like anxiety, has been part of my life. And I have suffered a lot because of it.

When I try to think of the pros of procrastination, what I can only think of are excuses.

For instance, I could say that reading a lot before writing my research paper while in graduate school is a good way to prepare. But I am actually not preparing. It was just an excuse. What I did is just procrastinating.

And I could think a lot of cons of procrastination. In retrospect, procrastination has been detrimental to my mental health and self esteem.

But now that I am older, I am becoming more equipped in dealing with my tendency to procrastinate.

Bloganuary 2023: What language do you wish you could speak?

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For quite a while, I am considering to learn to speak another language. I cannot decide yet which one. It’s either French or Spanish. But I think it is going to be Spanish.

While learning how to speak a new language is not easy, it is nonetheless so much fun to do. I myself love languages. One of my many regrets in life is not taking the path of becoming a linguist when I had the chance.

I think I will choose Spanish over French, but I think French will be very difficult. I would have great difficulties in pronouncing French words.

By watching Spanish films and series on Netflix, I am already picking up some words and phrases. I have the impression that Spanish words are not so difficult to pronounce in comparison with French words.

It would be nice to explore the beautiful country of Spain while trying to enhance and practice my Spanish.

Boganuary 2023: What is a song or poem that speaks to you and why?

The New Seekers’ song entitled I’d Like To Teach The World To Sing, which was released in 1972, is a beautiful song. Although I like its melody and lyrics, it might be an exaggeration to say that this song spoke to me.

But when I saw today’s prompt for this year’s bloganuary – what is the song or poem that speaks to you and why? – this is the first song that comes to mind. Because I am a person who values harmony in many aspects of my life.

Conflicts stress me out and I try to avoid them as much as possible. I am the type of person who is willing to sacrifice a lot just to maintain harmony.

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Bloganuary 2023: How do you show love?

Photo by Alexas Fotos on

There are different kinds of love and they manifest differently in different times and places. Humans – and non-human animals too – have different ways of showing their affection towards others whom they love.

I am a type of person who is quite connected with my own feelings. I do not shy away from expressing my affection towards my love ones.

Of course, I do not mean to say that love and feelings are the same. Love is enduring, while feelings are fleeting.

But I believe that one of the many ways in which love manifest is through our affections and how we express them. And it is very important that others know how much we love them.

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Bloganuary 2023: What’s a lie you tell yourself?

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The last time I took a cigarette was on the 2nd of August 2017. It has been five years and five months since I have decided to become a non-smoker. This is perhaps one of my greatest life achievement: to be free from my addiction.

As a smoker, I used to tell loads of lies to myself to justify my nicotine addiction. One of the many lies I tell myself was that I cannot live without my cigarettes. That I need them to survive and that I am lost without it.

But the truth is that I do not need cigarettes to survive daily life. On the contrary: cigarette is actually slowly killing me. We need food and water to survive, while smoking kills us.

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Bloganuary 2023: What was your dream job as a child? I wanted to be a teacher

‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’ This is one of the many questions we ask children when we are trying to make conversation with them. But I remember the time when I was the one who has to answer this question.

As a child, when an adult ask me this question, I always promptly answer: ‘I want to be a teacher when I grow up.’

While in school as a child, I have always looked up to my teachers. They are my role models. I want to be them. I have many teachers who have been the source of inspiration.

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