Bloganuary 5: What is something you wish you knew how to do? Drawing and Doodling

The images attached in this post are drawn by a young girl. This young girl is a daughter of a friend of mine. While they were visiting, she drew my dog and I was mesmerised almost hypnotised while watching her draw.

She is still very young. At her young age, she is already showing a lot of promise. If she continue practicing, she could really develop this talent she posses.

If truth be told, I am quite envious of people who could draw and doodle. There are few things in life I wish I knew how to do. One of them is being able to draw or at least be able to do some decent doodling. To be able to communicate and illustrate my ideas through my drawings.

I have the impression that people who can draw cannot be bored. All they need are papers and pencils and they could immersed in what they do. If only I could draw, I would be drawing most of the time and I will always be in the flow.

Unfortunately, I cannot draw. I tried so many times. I just do not have the talent. And I have already accepted it.

11 thoughts on “Bloganuary 5: What is something you wish you knew how to do? Drawing and Doodling

  1. I feel your drawing/sketching angst. I can sort of draw a reasonable rendition of a one-dimensional cat, pig, and horse that awed my grandchildren when they were very young. As they got older, they politely nodded and tried not to laugh out loud. The illustrations by your friend’s daughter are amazing. I hope she is able to pursue this talent.


    • I quite agree.. she captured the essence of my dot, when I look at the drawings, I can recognise my dog. I find it really amazing and she is still very young.

      Thank you so much for visiting my site and for taking your time to comment. I really appreciate it. 🙂


  2. Those sketches are so good!
    I agree that drawing would be a wonderful skill to have and that it would be nice to sit somewhere and be occupied by capturing the scene.


  3. I never could draw but I compensate by doing lot of craft activities. My son and myself have been doing lot of pottery painting. Much easier and yes definitely it is a stress buster!


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