Writing Letters

Greeting card with happy birthday written on it. Pictures of rabbits, letter, envelope with post stamps.

Writing is an integral part of a Stoic life. Great ancient Stoics like Marcus Aurelius and Seneca used writing as a way of daily reflections. Thanks to their writing that have been handed down to us, we can learn so much from ancient Stoicism.

One of the many books that guided me in my Stoic quest is John Sellars’ book entitled Lessons in Stoicism: What Ancient Philosophers Teach Us about How to Live. In this book Sellars writes:

Marcus Aurelius describes practices of morning reflection during which he prepares himself for the coming day, contemplating the sorts of challenges he is likely to face so that he will be better placed to handle them. Similarly, Seneca outlines a process of evening reflection during which he goes over his day, thinking about what he did well, where his attention may have slipped, and how he might do better tomorrow.

John sellers 2020: 20-21
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